Chapter: Visitors
Information relevant to the 1st chapter of The Masters
the first edition Jim Burns cover

This is the wonderful artwork that Jim Burns did for the cover of the original The Chosen, volume one of the First Edition trilogy, that in this Second Edition has been split into The Masters and The Chosen—depicting the arrival of the Masters in their black ship
Jim Burn’s original concept—a lesson
This concept was the concept that I got for my first ever book cover. You can imagine my excitement. Unfortunately, I fell into ‘first cover syndrome’. . . a condition that many new authors suffer from. This was my first book and I wanted the cover to be ‘just right’. So I interfered—and how! Jim, to his credit, put up with endless nonsense about the exact nature of the baran, the costumes of the Masters and a hundred and one examples of my nit-picking. Of course, if anyone had dared that kind of thing with my own work I would have gone ballistic
The way I see it now, Jim’s first concept would have resulted in a more powerful cover. He saw my book through his own mind’s eye, and I should have trusted his vision