school time

Today I took some time off working on this website to go and give a ‘language class’ to some 8 year olds. I read them the first paragraph from The Chosen. Unsurprisingly, they were intrigued by the ‘childgatherers’. We discussed choosing verbs and alliteration. Next I read them the first paragraph of The Third God. They wrote stories based on this, speculating on how Ykoriana might have lost her eyes and what she may have done to deserve this. What they came back with was delightful. Some saw her as a victim, others as evil and having stolen her ruby eyes from the Wise. Fairytales riffing on the themes in that first paragraph, reflecting all kinds of child-logic, yet resonating well enough. I’m not sure why I should feel surprised. A fascinating experience.

Posted by Ricardo

writer and blogger

4 Replies to “school time”

  1. That’s rather neat. How did you come to work with 8 year olds? It doesn’t strike me as a children’s book, but on the other hand it’s a great opportunity. I think we underestimate kids. ^^


    1. I have a friend who is a school teacher and she asked me if I would come and talk to her kids. I loved it. I have been considering offering myself up to do this… because I feel it would be a joy to help some kids find a way to their own self-expression…
      As for the Stone Dance not being a children’s book – it isn’t – but I do believe that it is a flowering of a seed that germinated in the darker parts of my own childhood. In that respect, it is profoundly about childhood…


  2. All of it is fantastic. be looking forward to more news.

    Waiting for the rest of the book.


    1. shouldn’t be long now :O)


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